On First Days + Happy Weekend

The Little Miss started school this week.  Thankfully, it was not as emotional for me as I thought it would be.  Maybe because I used to be a teacher, so I’ve gone through the experience of separation but obviously from the other side?  Or maybe because I know my child is confident and curious, and the classroom will provide both the stimulation and interest to keep her little mind and body busy? Or it could also be because I’m a bit relieved that finally, A will have other kids her age to interact with, instead of just her usual company–Yaya and Ate E?

I guess it’s a little bit of all :).

But definitely, I could not help but play the role of the proud stage mama, clicking away and capturing all the memories I could of A’s first day.



I can’t believe how time has flown!!!

Have a Happy Weekend, folks!!!

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